
A Tall House

A Short Story

PROTECTORS: Stories to Benefit PROTECT, edited by Thomas PluckDesperate to see his sick mother who is quarantined upstairs in her room, a boy rebels against the overbearing housekeeper who has been keeping them apart. In the process, he discovers the grim secret behind his mother’s illness.

Originally published in 2006 as the winner of the Spinetingler Cozy Noir contest, “A Tall House” is now available as part of the anthology PROTECTORS: Stories to Benefit PROTECT.

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About BCMystery

When not tending his chickens, BCMystery shapes unruly words into captivating people caught in harrowing situations. As Bill Cameron, his work includes the critically-acclaimed Skin Kadash mysteries and, as W.H. Cameron, the high desert mystery Crossroad. He’s presently at work on a historical mystery set on the Oregon coast.

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