

Handouts and Other Resources from Workshops and Talks

Below is a list of downloadable resources in PDF format from workshops and talks I’ve given over the years. These files are occasionally updated as I modify or expand them. I’ve also included links to other resources, including my wiki and professional services website.

World Building for the Real World

World building isn’t only for science-fiction and fantasy. It’s just as important for fiction set in our everyday world, whether in the present or past. This handout lists a number of resources, with links, for using settings we know (or want to know) in our fiction.

[UPDATED: September 2021]

Character Development Workshop

The characters we remember are messy, engaging, troubled, powerful, scary—you name it. The exercises in this handout, some for individuals and some for teams, explore a variety of techniques for creating characters that jump off the page and come to life in the minds and hearts of your readers.

[UPDATED: August 2021]

Write What You Hate

This essay on one of my approaches to writing character was originally published in the Portland Book Review, September 2011.

Kadash Chronology

The life and times of Skin Kadash, showing the order the stories and books in which he appears along with a few milestones in his life.

BCMystery Wiki

This wiki covering the fiction of W.H./Bill Cameron is a developmental work-in-progress and not open to outside editors (subject to change in the future). It contains information about characters, plots, settings, and more—including glimpses at works-in-progress.

Warning: possible spoilers!

Professional Services

In addition to writing, I also work as a freelance graphic design and web developer. I’ve created websites for authors and others, designed book covers and logos, and more. If you’re interested, check me out there.