
Deadly Treats

Featuring “Sunlight Nocturne,” a Skin Kadash Short Story

Deadly Treats, edited by Anne FrasierDeadly Treats, edited by Anne Frasier, features witches, zombies, vampires, food critics, crazy writers, dumb criminals, interfering ghosts, ex-cops, suburban housewives, and aliens.

In “Sunlight Nocturne,” Skin spends the day with his neighbor and her little boy as police pursue home invaders in a dramatic citywide chase. You can read it for free at Kings River Life!

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This delightful collection includes stories by Bill Cameron, David Housewright, Jason Evans, J.A. Konrath, Heather Dearly, Julia Buckley, Kelly Lynn Parra, Linda Rigel, Marilyn Victor, Mark Hull, Leandra Logan, Pat Dennis, Patricia Abbott, Paul Brazill, Michael Allan Mallory, Shirley Damsgaard, Stephen Blackmoore, Lance Zarimba, Paula Fleming, and Anne Frasier.

About BCMystery

When not tending his chickens, BCMystery shapes unruly words into captivating people caught in harrowing situations. As Bill Cameron, his work includes the critically-acclaimed Skin Kadash mysteries and, as W.H. Cameron, the high desert mystery Crossroad. He’s presently at work on a historical mystery set on the Oregon coast.

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