
Thank You for Reading County Line

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County Line, by Bill Cameron
If you’ve made your way here, I assume it’s because you just finished County Line and have followed the Quick Response code on the last page. But maybe you like to jump ahead. Maybe you’re not done reading the book, or haven’t started. Maybe you’re still in the bookstore, following the links with your phone before you decide whether or not to make the purchase.

Whatever the case, thank you for making it this far. And thank you for indulging this little conceit, the QR Code link. By following the QR Codes, you’ll find a number of bonus items, like DVD extras. A little of this, a little of that. My hope is what you find as you follow these links will intrigue you, enrich your experience of the book, or at the very least be a little entertaining.

If this is your first encounter with Skin and Ruby Jane, consider having a look at their earlier outings by bookLost DogChasing Smoke, and Day One—or by short story—“Coffee, Black” in Portland Noir, “Sunlight Nocturne” in Deadly Treats, “The Last Ship” in West Coast Crime Wave, and others.

And please don’t hesitate to get in touch. I’d love to chat.

Thanks again,
Bill Cameron